時間 Time:2009/5/31 (Sun) 5:00pm-6:00pm
地點 Venue:油麻地 Kubrick
主持 Moderators:Florence Ng、Polly Ho、Wong Wai Yim
諾貝爾文學獎得主智利詩人聶魯達(Pablo Neruda, 1904~1973)曾說: 「生命中只有兩件事物不可或缺─詩歌與愛情」。
聶魯達是智利詩人,是拉丁美洲最著名的詩人之一,少年時代喜愛寫詩,起下筆名聶魯達, 同時,他是一位人民詩人和外交家,見證了祖國和拉丁美洲的歷史。聶魯達13歲開始發表詩作,1923年發表第一部詩集《黃昏》,1924年發表成名作《二十首情詩和一支絕望的歌》,是聶魯達最早、最著名和最暢銷的詩集,他後期的《一百首愛情十四行詩》在南美家喻戶曉,影響深遠。
11 則留言:
請邀請 黃燦然
他翻譯過《聶魯達詩選》(i.e. Veinte poemas de amor y una canción desesperada; Cien sonetos de amor.)
his blog:
victor FOK
watch out!
Neruda is a Communist!
'Neruda became an ardent communist, and remained so for the rest of his life.'
communist is by definition evil;
communists speakers evil.
Neruda--Njet...Not for the feeble-minded!
victor FOK
Picasso intoxicated by Stalin
even a tough guy like Picasso cannot resist the Communist venom...
Vide: g r utley 2000 'picasso. the communist years'
yale up, pp 182-183
--available at HK central library
victor FOK
neruda: poems or porno?
his love songs nos 1 (verse 12), 8 (v 9), 12 (title & sq), 16 (v 2), 20 (v 7 from the end)...
why the hell was he under influence of his beloved, good & bad angel at the same time?
victor FOK
Neruda's love song no 1:
rose, wine, & the French blason
re: verses 11-12 (adult material)
'Verson ces roses pres ce vin...'
--pierre de rosard
[neruda read french at university]
[the french usually learn 'blasons' when they study Baudelaire in senior high schools]
there are lots of blasons in 'the flowers of Evil'. for beginners, see 'le beau navire', 'le poison'.
blason was in vogue in the french renaissance.
see, e g Ronsard (a catholic priest, the greatest love poet of the french renaissance),
or henri weber's intro to his edn of Ronsard's Les Amours
--available at the hku main library
victor FOK
'Veinte poemas de amor y una canción desesperada'
are taught at comp litt dept, hku
for professional advice, pls consult
Mr Jason Lee of the dept, or
Ms. Mercedes Vázquez Vázquez
victor FOK
blason in Paris, 2008
re: French Cinepanorama HK 2008/
opening film/
Cédric Klapisch: Paris
a scene in the film:
a café. a prof of history at the Sorbonne, a middle-aged man ; not far away, one of his students, a pretty girl.
he sent her a message by phone:
Ta tête, ton geste, ton air
Sont beaux comme un beau paysage
this is the beginning of 'À Celle qui est trop gaie', one of the six condemned poems in Baudelaire's The flowers of Evil.
[the french court imposed the poet & the publisher a heavy fine for their outrage against the public morality.]
[Le Procès des Fleurs du mal 1857)
what's the prof doing? hymn to the beauty? flirting or sexual harassment?
for professional advice, pls consult
Mr Jean-Michel Sourd (critique de film, professeur de français)
& see his
'Sémiologie de l'image de la France à Hong Kong',+jean+michel+sourd&cd=4&hl=zh-TW&ct=clnk
victor FOK
François Villon (c 1431--after 1463) & Auguste Rodin
blason is a poetic genre originated in the middle ages.
i've no old french. this is the oldest blason i know:
François Villon/le Grand Testament
/LES REGRETS de la Belle Heaulmière:
"Qu’est devenu ce front poly,
Ces cheveulx blonds, sourcilz voultyz,
Grand entr’œil, le regard joly,
Dont prenoye les plus subtilz ;
Ce beau nez droit, grand ne petiz ;
Ces petites joinctes oreilles,
Menton fourchu, cler vis traictis,
Et ces belles lèvres vermeilles ?
"Ces gentes espaules menues,
Ces bras longs et ces mains tretisses ;
Petitz tetins, hanches charnues,
Eslevées, propres, faictisses
A tenir amoureuses lysses ;
Ces larges reins, ce sadinet,
[ 41 ]Assis sur grosses fermes cuysses,
Dedans son joly jardinet ?
« Le front ridé, les cheveulx gris,
Les sourcilz cheuz, les yeulx estainctz,
Qui faisoient regars et ris,
Dont maintz marchans furent attaincts ;
Nez courbé, de beaulté loingtains ;
Oreilles pendans et moussues ;
Le vis pally, mort et destaincts ;
Menton foncé, lèvres peaussues :
« C’est d’humaine beauté l’yssues !
Les bras courts et les mains contraictes,
Les espaulles toutes bossues ;
Mammelles, quoy ! toutes retraictes ;
Telles les hanches que les tettes.
Du sadinet, fy! Quant des cuysses,
Cuysses ne sont plus, mais cuyssettes
Grivelées comme saulcisses.
Villon is never too old.
he's a 'modern poet' (Paul Valéry).
he inspired Rodin to extract the beauty from the ugliness.
see. e g his statue la Belle Heaulmière:
Musée d'Orsay: Auguste Rodin L'Hiver
for Villon, pls consult those who have studied 'lettres classiques' at French universities.
victor FOK
blason & haute couture
can dress designers draw inspiration from Baudelaire's blasons
(Le beau navire, Avec ses vêtements ondoyants et nacrés...)?
pls consult:
Prof Jackie Kwok Yan-chi (school of design, PolyU),
who has submitted a PhD thesis on Georg-Rimbaud at the Sorbonne Nouvelle.
NB: rimbaud is indebted to baudelaire for poetics & versification.
victor FOK
blasons: French & Chinese (宮體詩)
medieval Chinese court poets are famous or infamous for their 'blasons'.
do they share their French counterparts' fine quality?
for professional advice, pls consult:
嶺大中文系 比較文學講座教授 梁秉鈞
victor FOK
Neruda, Baudelaire: poets ancient or modern?
[blason-sonnet was common in the french renaissance];
[sonnet was not fashionable in the french classical period];
[the 4 great french romantic poets composed few sonnets].
in baudelaire's poetry, as in shakespeare's plays, there are demons & spirits who have occult powers:
Ô démon sans pitié! verse-moi moins de flamme;
--Sed non satiata
Tes baisers ressusciteraient/
Le cadavre de ton vampire!
--Le Vampire
Que pour l'amour de moi vous n'aimiez que le Beau;/
Je suis l'Ange gardien, la Muse et la Madone.
--Que diras-tu ce soir, pauvre âme solitaire
shakespeare used little latin.
in The flowers of Evil (1861),
1 poem in latin; 5 others w/ latin titles.
baudelaire did much less experiments in poetic form & versification than Hugo.
needless to compare him w/ Verlaine.
how did Debussy interpret these 2 distinctive voices, 2 inflections of Baudelaire & Verlaine?
pls consult composer-professors:
Prof Victor Chan, Prof LAW Ping Leung Daniel (both cuhk), Dr CHAN Hing-yan, Dr Joshua CHAN (both hku)
Baudelaire's modernity has been taught in the local cultural studies programs for more than 20 yrs.
is he really modern? pls consult
the 3 poet-professors in the field:
Prof LEUNG Ping-kwan (嶺大 中文系 比較文學 講座教授 梁秉鈞),
Dr YAU Ching (游靜, Lingnan U),
Dr Natalia S.H. CHAN. 陳少紅教授 (洛楓, cuhk)
victor FOK