(Polly Ho)
活動開始,由貝嶺介紹策蘭的生平和意義,繼而由出席的詩人讀詩,每一首有中文和德文誦讀,中文誦讀的包括梁秉鈞、貝嶺、黄燦然、廖偉棠﹑鄧小樺和曹疏影,德文誦讀者則有德國學者Frank Ulrich Gast和Björn Ahl。當天的高潮是誦讀《 死亡賦格》,貝嶺讀孟明譯本 《死亡賦格曲》,梁秉鈞則讀梁晶晶的譯本《死亡賦格》,Frank Ulrich Gast則讀德文版本,每個人的演譯都不同,貝嶺是悲壯,梁秉鈞是自然,Frank Ulrich Gast是激昂,當播放策蘭《死亡賦格》 的原聲錄音時,全場肅穆—這就是策蘭的死亡賦格!
(Photos by Liu Wai Tong)
12 則留言:
more love-poison in French poetry
Et ce poison, ce baiser mille fois maudit!
--une saison en enfer
pls consult
Prof Jackie Kwok Yan-chi (school of design, PolyU),
who has submitted a PhD thesis on Georg-Rimbaud at the Sorbonne Nouvelle
pls don't tell me that Apollinaire ignored the Voyant
victor FOK
De Profundis
u maintain: this is unspeakable human suffering('suffering/pain beyond words' incorrect).
[sorry to miss this great event; rendez-vous w/ M Duras long time ago]
at the beginning of the Manchurian dynasty in China, 2 major painters were Buddhist monks:
Shitao 石濤 & Bada Shanren 八大山人
which painter of their time uttered the most profound & agonising cry?
ut pictura poesis erit
victor FOK
Limits of Language
Russell: u are thinking about logic or your sin?
Wittgenstein: both!
W said: his logico-philosophical treatise is a book on ethics in 2 pts: written words & all that he has not written.
--cambridge companion to W, 1996: 166
victor FOK
art is illusion
works of art are NOT real,
e.g. we see 3-D in 2-D pictures.
--1st-year textbooks of psycho & fine arts:
Gombrich 1960 "Art and Illusion: A Study in the Psychology of Pictorial Representation"
w Weiten 2001 Psychology: Themes and Variations
victor FOK
cognition of works of art.
a hard job. pls consult
Prof Kwok-ying LAU
(Dr. Phil. Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne), cuhk,
who has published on phenomenology, Baudelaire, Impressionist painting,...
victor FOK
fugue: music & poetry
1. Celan: death fugue;
2. YIP Wai-lim*: Fugues (Tai-pei 1963)
* Yip was supervisor of Prof LEUNG Ping-kwan's PhD thesis
the art of fugue:
bach, haydn, mozart, beethoven, schubert, brahms, webern, shostakovitch,...
(i've no musical training, pls add big names & masterpieces on the list)
victor FOK
Bach's fugues &
Baudelaire's sonnets
were a fusion of ancient style & up-to-date idiom, a complicated form of life.
fugue gets straight to the Heart of the Matter:
what are the form & the content (or matter in Aristotle)?
victor FOK
form & matter:
Aristotle & François Jullien
La forme, c’est le fond qui remonte à la surface
(the form is the content emerging to the surface).
--Hugo Victor.
[the French 'fond', from Latin ('fonds amoris': allegory for Jesus or the Virgin)
has developped a wide range of meanings:
fonudation, land, funds, source, essence, content,...]
form & matter in aristotle:
constituent stuff & structuring principles which make it something definite.
for François Jullien
form & matter are still a way of seeing.
--De l'essence ou du nu, Le Seuil, 2000
(available at HKU main library)
(réédition Le Nu impossible, Points Seuil, 2005),
chapter 1, section 4.
victor FOK
ways of seeing:
make sense of modern poetry
'i believe in what i do not see, & solely in what i feel.'
--Gustave Moreau
modern poets improve the world(like engineers, medical doctors,...)?
enforce moral rules?
[modern poetry began in France]
since 1848, & especially after 1871, lots of poets have not seen things as they 'really' are, & in 'proper' perspective.
french litt is compulsory for all F 6 students in france. pls check their textbooks
[a great Sorbonne prof may teach a minor writer's works, e g, J-P Richard taught Colette],
& see how many major modern french poets can pass catechism test.
[there aremany french catholic priests in HK & Macau (e g, institut ricci), & quite a few local priests speak & read french, e g, Prof Louis Ha, cuhk]
victor FOK
art & society:
baudelaire & Baader-Meinhof
re: The Baader Meinhof Complex (2008)
Hong Kong International Film Festival 2009
--recommended by Goethe institute
baudelaire & Baader-Meinhof are evil speakers?
a police official (bruno ganz) says: we'd better change the condition in which trouble & violence breed.
is this the practical reason for the catholic bosco order
[Cardinal Joseph Zen belongs to this order]
to create industrial schools for poor kids--first in Turin (now HQ of Fiat)?
victor FOK
debussy's baudelaire songs:
if music be the food for thought
[modern music began in france]
debussy's baudelaire songs (1889)
are in the soprano's repertoire worldwide today
they're selling 'sweet poison'
(Ô douceur! ô poison! ),
& people buy it. why?
pls consult Dr Michael McClellan, cuhk
(Research Interests:
18th- and 19th-century music, Opera,
French musical culture)
victor FOK
art as institution:
HKAPA student contracts Baudelairean venom
at least one HKAPA student has sung
debussy's baudelaire songs in concert
what's the cultural significance of the event? can baudelaire be integrated into HK culture?
professors of cultural studies have been teaching B's modernity in HK for more than 20 yrs.
there're at least 3 poet-professors in the field:
Prof LEUNG Ping-kwan, Dr YAU Ching
(both Lingnan U), Dr Natalia S.H. CHAN. 陳少紅教授(洛楓)(cuhk)
victor FOK