
Kubrick Poetry‧ December ‧ The Mental life of Cities

時間 Time:2010/12/26 (Sun) 5:00pm-6:00pm

地點 Venue: 油麻地 Kubrick (next to Broadway Cinemathèque, 3 Public Square St.)

主持 Moderators:Polly Ho, Adam Cheung, Florence Ng, Wong Wai Yim

詩人來賓 Guest Poet:Eddie Tay

Born in Singapore, Eddie Tay is a long time resident of Hong Kong. He is an assistant professor at the Department of English at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, where he teaches courses on creative writing, children literature and poetry. Tay is the reviews editor at Cha, An Asian Literary Journal.

Recently, he published his third poetry collection, The Mental Life of Cities. The collection is "a meditation on the modern city and creative life" and the poems are inspired by "the ways in which the English and the Chinese languages intertwine and take root in the Asian cities of Hong Kong and Singapore". He has authored two collections of poetry: Remnants and A Lover’s Soliloquy.

You are welcome to bring your own work to share, as always.

16 則留言:

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Dear Dr Tay,

Most participants of this forum* have no literary training, & cannot tell the difference between dramatic monologue, which is so important in the modern lyric (J. Culler), & soliloquy.

Would you mind giving us a demonstration?

Thanks in advance.

* Legally speaking, this is a FORUM. So, no duty of care.

---Victor-Wai-hung-Fok on Facebook

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Love/ Soliloquies/ Romeo & Juliet

Everyone talks about love in the play. Do they mean the same thing?

victor fok on Facebook

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Shakespeare's Rose can be a sex symbol.

--Norton Shakespeare/ Sonnet 1/ commentary by a Princeton prof

How about Juliet's rose?


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Dear Moderators,

You have not showed us any exemplars of Dr Tay's works yet.

Hollywood people are good at communication--unless you consider poesis as a divine dictation. They always offer trailers.

At HKU at least 2 music profs teach audience-response theory.
Would you consult Dr Tay whether reader-response theory is taught in literature programs today?

Best wishes.

Victor-Wai-hung-Fok on Facebook


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Prof. CHENG Chung-yi, Philosophy, CUHK: West People foster Passionate Love.

"西 方 之 愛 尚 激 情 , 熱 戀 , 愛 慾 固 能 攝 魄 勾 魂 ,但 狂 焰 不 可 能 永 遠 燃 燒 , 終 會 灰 飛 煙 滅 。 ..."

“Desire for the opposite sex can be enchanting, but the flame of revelry is not enduring. It ends up in smoke & ashes.” (My translation.)


My Q:
Das Ewig-Weibliche Zieht uns hinan?

--frenchmarkets on Facebook

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Has Prof Cheng Chung-yi seen Der Liebestod?



--Frenchmarkets on Facebook

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Dear Ms Polly Ho (BA in Psychology, HKU)

Re: CUHK Vice-Chancellor: Mental Life???

He claimed in an interview with Ms CHAN Suk-mei, CRHK, last year, that neuroscience is replacing psychology.

Mind_Body_Spirit fully explained in terms of neurochemistry & neuropsysiology?


---Victor-Wai-hung-Fok on Facebook

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Mental life in Shenzhen, a city with walls/

Poem by a Chinese migrant woman worker/ My translation.

WEI Lanfang: "Punch Card Machine."

You're becoming sophisticated
Like the buildings flying higher & higher.

First we got paper cards;
& then IC cards;
Today we've fingerprint IDs.

Years ago we entered this door
With innocent & pious looks.
Now we are going out
With rough hands & bending backs.

Sources: http://www.tianya.cn/publicforum/content/poem/1/214451.shtml

cf: 艾晓明 (Sun Yat-sin U, Guangzhou): 富士康 跳楼幸存 女工 田玉.


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Penn sardines,

Film-Télévision 2004 - France3
Réalisation : Marc Rivière

Women workers on strike, Brittany 1924.

Remarkable songs of revolt, love, & solidarity.


----FrenchMarkets on Facebook

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Rhythm/ Poetry/ English: Feet or Beats?

Some say: Count the strong beats instead of feet in the lines.


-----Victor Fok on Facebook

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Rhythm/ Poetry & Music/ Rimbaud & Britten/ Les Illuminations.

If there is no rhythmic patterns in prose poems, how can composers set them in music?


For Rimbaud's waltz rhythm in Les Illuminations, pls consult Dr Jackie Kwok, who got a PhD from Paris 3 by a thesis on Rimbaud & George.


--victor fok on Facebook

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Rhythm in Flaubert, Duras, & Sagan

Veteran readers may not memorize all the novels they have read, but they surely recognize the great writers' signatures (wording, VPs, rhythm) in a few lines, e.g. Duras' variations on Crossing the river.

If you don't have L'Amant on your book-shelve, read it online:


Admirers of Duras may not read Sagan, but there is some music in her novels (Aimez-vous Brahms?)

--Dans Bonjour Tristesse, il y a une petite musique, dit Michel Deon

A text book example: Flaubert's satire on Lamartine.

--victor fok on Facebook

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艾晓明 (Sun Yat-sin U, Guangzhou):




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Re: Dr Eddie Tay: " A Lover's Soliloquy/
Hong Kong: Sixth Finger
Press, 2005/
Poetry collection, including free translations of Li
Shang-yin (李商隱).

My Q: How to translate:

李商隱/ Rhetorical devices/ 拗體 Dissonance (Especially at the last verse but one in Ottava/ Huitain),

e g, 蟬, a poem in the local high school syllabus:

本以高难饱,徒劳恨费声。 五更疏欲断,一树碧无情。 薄宦梗犹泛,故园芜已平。 烦君最相警,我亦举家清。

See my discussion with 陳偉強教授, 香港浸會大學 中國語言文學系 副教授

Bona fide

victor FOK (霍偉雄)


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Dissonance as a rhetorical device/

Already used in Shijing 詩經; very common in Qu Yuan's works.

Please consult Prof. LEUNG Ping-kwan

(梁秉鈞. Chair Professor of Comparative Literature, Lingnan University;
Former Vice-President, International Comparative Literature Association),

who has said in this forum last year:
"i'm translating Shijing 詩經 into modern Chinese verse."

Bona fide

victor FOK (霍偉雄)


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--Dans Bonjour Tristesse, il y a une petite musique, dit Michel Deon.

Sources: Documentary: Une vie de tous les danger

Kubrick Poetry • March • Healing through Poetry

時間 Time:2025/3/23 (Sunday) 3:00pm-4:00pm  地點 Venue:Auditorium (1/F) in Broadway Cinematheque  主持 Moderator: Polly Ho  詩人 Poets:Sadaff Habib,...