時間 Time:2012/6/24 (Sunday) 5:00pm-6:00pm
地點 Venue: 油麻地 Kubrick電影中心一樓講廳
主持 Moderators:Polly Ho, Adam Cheung, Florence Ng
詩人 Poet:Gillian Bickley
Gillian Bickley, born and educated in the United Kingdom, has lived mostly in Hong Kong since 1970.
Perceptions, this fifth poetry collection, consists of short pieces, poetry or poem-like essays, written over a period of thirty years, on various serious and reflective topics, but with some humorous and occasional work too. As in Gillian Bickley's previous collections, the subjects occur internationally: this time, in the Pyrenees, Nigeria, Hawai'i, Albania, as well as Hong Kong.
Taken as a whole, this collection recognizes the need for shelter and survival, the desire for love, for achievement, for feelings of self-worth, for objects on which to bestow reciprocal affection and the search for high-order achievements beyond the self. Reaching beyond this, Perceptions considers the needs of other species, our responsibilities towards them and the fragile environment that we all share.