時間 Time:2011/6/26 (Sunday) 6:00pm-7:00pm
地點 Venue: 油麻地 Kubrick (next to Broadway Cinemathèque, 3 Public Square St.)
主持 Moderators:Polly Ho, Adam Cheung, Florence Ng, Wong Wai Yim
詩人來賓 Guest Poet and Writer:Olga Walló
A film-maker father. Mother an actress who didn’t want to act – her finest scene a real-life act: dressed to die defying a Nazi officer seeking the paper-less man concealed in the house.
The Narrator of Tightrope! ─ A Bohemian Tale, an extraordinary, curiously intellectual small girl, undertakes the demanding and costly burden of comprehending the world.
Olga Walló lived for many years in Prague, Czech Republic and now lives in the country-side nearby, She worked for Czech TV for 35 years as a translator and dubbing director and taught dubbing at the Academy of Art. She has translated plays (including 12 by William Shakespeare) and novels.
"I believe that all readers, whatever their different cultural experiences, will find in this novel something to identify with, and I hope that, through the personal accounts of the author, they will be able to trace the complex path which our nation travelled not so long ago."— Václav Havel
You are welcome to bring your work to read and share, in any languages.
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「詩畫同框」工作坊 — 海洋樂繽紛
給孩子一個寫詩繪畫的機會,透過寫詩去感受生活的美好。 寫詩,好似好浪漫,好想試吓寫詩,但又好似有點難度。其實寫詩可以好簡單、好生活化。 Triospin 致力推動生活美學 ,今次邀請了 Kubrick Poetry Society 的導師教小朋友畫海洋動物,並在...
腹語術 我走錯房間 錯過了自己的婚禮。 在牆壁唯一的隙縫中,我看見 一切行進之完好。 他穿白色的外衣 她捧著花,儀式﹑ 許諾﹑親吻 背著它:命運,我苦苦練就的腹語術 (舌頭是一匹溫暖的水獸 馴養地 在小小的水族箱中 蠕動) 那獸說:是的,我願意。 野獸派 二十歲的乳房像兩隻動物在...
秀姑巒山 ── 與妻子的古道橫越 所有磅礡而雄渾的山岳 隨著雲海,湧向無涯的天際 遠離了,我們出發的山徑 唯有它回頭,悄然地 以一頭巨鯨的龐然 偎依過來 也偎依過去 以一條細瘦古道的蜿蜒 繼續蜿蜒 默默地陪著我們...
攞景 舊時我好歡喜 帶住我副攝影機 去呢處去嗰度攞景 我「影」白色嘅雲, 藍色嘅海沙灘﹑ 石頭我都「影」 自從我識咗你 我個心同口講 菲林價錢咁貴 扯旗山嘅雲﹑沙田嘅霧都唔係風景…… 一個酸梅兩個核 今時唔同往日 而家我揸住副攝影機 淨係喺你身上攞景 你著呢件藍色嘅衫裙, 嗰套白...
9 則留言:
The King & the Birds
--In memoriam Jacques Prévert
The king was so sick
The morning after.
Doves sang wake-up calls.
He took a shotgun
And shot all moving things.
In sound and fury,
He told his soldiers:
‘Get every mocking bird!’
His kingdom has become
A very big prison.
All birds went underground--
Even those which did not sing.
Now bad bugs are rampant
And cause famine & plagues.
victor FOK
Olga Walló: a Bohemian tale & Newspeak
victor wai-hung FOK
on Twitter, Facebook
Dear Moderators:
Re: Art vs Politics?
Jan Mukařovský did not see such contradiction.
See his Aesthetic function, norm and value as social facts.
For Formalism & Structuralism,
pls consult the poet-professor
Prof LEUNG Ping-kwan
(梁秉鈞/也斯 Chair Professor of Comparative Literature, Lingnan University;
Former Vice-President, International Comparative Literature Association).
For aesthetics,
pls consult Prof. MAN Kit Wah, Eva
Professor, Department of Religion & Philosophy.
Bona fide
victor wai-hung FOK
on Twitter, Facebook
Dear Moderators:
Re: Art as Artefact & Aesthetic Object: Jan Mukařovský, Roman Ingarden…
For the linguistic aspects of their theories,
pls consult those who teach the philosophy of language, sociolinguistics,…
For the Q “Where is Art?” pls consult those who teach phenomenology.
If u like music, pls consult Dr Giorgio BIANCOROSSO (HKU) for Where is Music?
Bona fide
victor wai-hung FOK
on Twitter, Facebook
I just happen to come across your blog. This looks like a most interesting gathering. I am no poet but have been translating classical Chinese poems into English verse for the last four years. My works are now posted monthly on: .If you deem my renditions poetry, I will be happy to share them with you. Andrew W.F. Wong
Dear Andrew,
Thank you for the message. Have taken a look at your blog and amazed at the translation work you have done in the past four years. Do share more and send them to our email address kubrickpoems@gmail.com.
Dear Polly, I have just returned (5 a.m. this morning) from a trip to the U.S. and Canada and found your very encouraging reply on your blog. I do not quite understand what you mean by "send them to our email address". My renditions are more or less openly published (for criticism and improvement) on my 2 blogs and the discussion that is going on, particularly on my blog on the H.K. Economic Journal, is most enthusiastic. Are you proposing I post them on your blog? Best wishes, Andrew Wong.
Dear Polly, I have just returned (5 a.m. this morning) from a trip to the U.S. and Canada and found your very encouraging reply on your blog. I do not quite understand what you mean by "send them to our email address". My renditions are more or less openly published (for criticism and improvement) on my 2 blogs and the discussion that is going on, particularly on my blog on the H.K. Economic Journal, is most enthusiastic. Are you proposing I post them on your blog? Best wishes, Andrew Wong.
Dear Andrew,
Thank you replying here again. No you don't have to post your work here. We welcome you join our reading and share you work. Hope to meet you soon!
Best wishes,