時間:2010/11/28 (Sun) 5:00pm-6:00pm
地點: 油麻地 Kubrick(next to Broadway Cinemathèque, 3 Public Square St.)
主持:Adam Cheung, Polly Ho, Florence Ng, Wong Wai Yim
November, the second-last month of the year, is an awkward entity. If not handled with care, such a time can pull us into strange territories.
This month, Kubrick Poetry invites you to ponder this theme: “Poems or poets away from home”. What does it mean to be away from home? What expressions and sentiments stir us when we are away from home? You may even ask, what is ‘home’? Where is it? Are you longing, reminiscing, defining, searching, or building your own? What is the difference between writing away from home and writing at home?
This event is open to public. As always, we encourage you to share spoken words by writers that you enjoy and/or any words, poems, or poetic prose that you have written (in any language or form). The purpose is to share and express our appreciation for poetry.
(by Adam Cheung)
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Kubrick Poetry • March • Healing through Poetry
時間 Time:2025/3/23 (Sunday) 3:00pm-4:00pm 地點 Venue:Auditorium (1/F) in Broadway Cinematheque 主持 Moderator: Polly Ho 詩人 Poets:Sadaff Habib,...

腹語術 我走錯房間 錯過了自己的婚禮。 在牆壁唯一的隙縫中,我看見 一切行進之完好。 他穿白色的外衣 她捧著花,儀式﹑ 許諾﹑親吻 背著它:命運,我苦苦練就的腹語術 (舌頭是一匹溫暖的水獸 馴養地 在小小的水族箱中 蠕動) 那獸說:是的,我願意。 野獸派 二十歲的乳房像兩隻動物在...
攞景 舊時我好歡喜 帶住我副攝影機 去呢處去嗰度攞景 我「影」白色嘅雲, 藍色嘅海沙灘﹑ 石頭我都「影」 自從我識咗你 我個心同口講 菲林價錢咁貴 扯旗山嘅雲﹑沙田嘅霧都唔係風景…… 一個酸梅兩個核 今時唔同往日 而家我揸住副攝影機 淨係喺你身上攞景 你著呢件藍色嘅衫裙, 嗰套白...
秀姑巒山 ── 與妻子的古道橫越 所有磅礡而雄渾的山岳 隨著雲海,湧向無涯的天際 遠離了,我們出發的山徑 唯有它回頭,悄然地 以一頭巨鯨的龐然 偎依過來 也偎依過去 以一條細瘦古道的蜿蜒 繼續蜿蜒 默默地陪著我們...
18 則留言:
« pour parvenir à l'inconnu. La vraie vie est ailleurs. »
La vie est ailleurs (Život je jinde) est un roman de Milan Kundera publié en langue tchèque en 1969...
Jaromil, un personnage qui a dédié sa vie à la poésie...
Young Mozart, victim of paternalism, was often faraway from home.
Mozart: Portrait of a Genius by Norbert Elias.
University of California Press (October 1, 1993).
湯家驊: 要明白80後,先放棄家長政治!
cf: Paternalism caused "Paris, May 1968":
(1) Roger Price. 2005. A Concise History of France (Cambridge UP).
(2) A 15-minute documentary, a special feature in DVD (US edn) of Bertolucci's film The Dreamers (NYT Critics' Pick ).
Le vagabondage:
"Glorifier le vagabondage et ce qu'on peut appeler le Bohémianisme, culte de la sensation multipliée, s'exprimant par la musique."
---Charles Baudelaire: "Journaux intimes"/ MON COEUR MIS A NU, #68
Vois sur ces canaux
Dormir ces vaisseaux
Dont l'humeur est vagabonde;
C'est pour assouvir
Ton moindre désir
Qu'ils viennent du bout du monde.
---Charles Baudelaire: L'Invitation au voyage
Vois sur ces canaux
Dormir ces vaisseaux
Dont l'humeur est vagabonde;
C'est pour assouvir
Ton moindre désir
Qu'ils viennent du bout du monde.
---Charles Baudelaire: L'Invitation au voyage
Vois sur ces canaux
Dormir ces vaisseaux
Dont l'humeur est vagabonde;
C'est pour assouvir
Ton moindre désir
Qu'ils viennent du bout du monde.
---Charles Baudelaire: L'Invitation au voyage
NB: 家 & HOME both can mean the domicile house & the family.
But that is not the case in French.
---"贱民的歌唱" 作者:刘 东 (北京大学中文系 比较文学研究所)
Ut pictura poesis
In the film Paradiso perduto (Great Expectations) directed by Alfonso Cuarón, 1998, Finn Bell paints better faraway from home. Why?
See e.g. Joseph P. Natoli's study "Postmodern journeys: film and culture, 1996-1998."
A SUNY book. 2001: 151-7
---Victor Wai-hung Fok on Facebook
雙聲道/毛孟靜 2010年2月22日
on the conservatism in the ad
"嫁: 給女孩一個家"
Back to the basic, Poetry (lyrical, narrative, dramatic), Novel, Play are 19th-century categories.
Poetry is not 詩.
--- Liu, James J. Y.: Chinese theories of literature. Chicago: U. of Chicago Press, 1975;
The art of Chinese poetry. Chicago: U. of Chicago Press, 1962
Poem by a Chinese migrant woman worker/ My translation.
WEI Lanfang: "Punch Card Machine."
You're becoming sophisticated
Like the buildings flying higher & higher.
First we got paper cards;
& then IC cards;
Today we've fingerprint ID.
Years ago we entered this door
with innocent looks, pious faces.
Now we go out
with rough hands & bending backs
PS: I dedicate this translation to Mr Jason LEE. Thanks for his encouragement.
Poem by a Chinese migrant woman worker in Shenzhen/ My revised translation.
WEI Lanfang: "Punch Card Machine."
You're becoming sophisticated
Like the buildings flying higher & higher.
First we got paper cards;
& then IC cards;
Today we've fingerprint IDs.
Years ago we entered this door
with innocent & pious looks.
Now we are going out
with rough hands & bending backs.
Sources: http://www.tianya.cn/publicforum/content/poem/1/214451.shtml