時間 Time:2011/11/12 (Saturday) 3:00pm-4:00pm
地點 Venue:油麻地 Kubrick (next to Broadway Cinemathèque, 3 Public Square St.)
主持 Moderators:Polly Ho, Florence Ng, Wong Wai Yim & Adam Cheung
語言 Language: English & Mandarin
詩人 Poet: Lo Chih Chen/ 羅智成 (Taiwan), Bejan Matur/ 白江•馬突爾 (Turkey)
羅智成 (台灣)
Born in Taipei, Lo Chih Cheng (Luo Zhicheng) graduated from the Department of Philosophy of National Taiwan University and later completed course work in the doctoral program. Active in the media, including television and broadcasting, he also served some official positions such as Commissioner of the Department of Information of Taipei city government and Director of Kwang Hua Information and Cultural Center (Hong Kong).
Lo published his first book of poems, which he not only self-financed but also designed and illustrated, in 1975. Since then he has published more than ten books of poetry. Lo’s literary works are famous for their philosophical profoundness, imaginative imagery, lyrical syntax and original insight. Already an established poet in the 1970s, he has continued to influence poets of a younger generation.
羅智成1955年生於台北。台灣大學哲學系畢業。美國威斯康辛大學東亞所碩士、博士班肄業。 曾任報社副總編輯、電台台長、雜誌及出版社發行人,也擔任過台北市政府新聞處處長、香港光華中心主任。作品以詩、散文和遊記為主;風格強烈,知性、感性兼具,以精確、細膩的語法著稱,以觀察力和想像力見長,對新一代詩人有極大的影響力。主要出版作品有:詩集《畫冊》、《光之書》、《傾斜之書》等。
Bejan Matur(Turkey)
Bejan Matur was born of an Alevi Kurdish family on 14 September 1968 in the ancient Hittite
city of Marash in Southeast Turkey. She studied Law at Ankara University, but has never
practiced. In her university years, her poetry was published in several literary periodicals.
Reviewers found her poetry ‘dark and mystic’.
Her first book, Rüzgar Dolu Konaklar (Winds Howl Through the Mansions) published in 1996 won several literary prizes. Her following books, Tanrı Görmesin Harflerimi (God Must Not See The Letter of My Script) in 1999. Her poetry has been translated up to 17 languages. Her book İbrahim’in Beni Terketmesi (Leaving of Abraham), published in March 2008, was considered by the critics to be her best book ever, creating a personal ontology and a personal mythology inspired by thousands of years of Sufi Tradition.
白江•馬突爾,1968年9月14日生於位於土耳其東南西臺古城馬拉什的一個阿勒維•庫爾德族家庭。曾在安哥 拉大學修讀法律,但從未執業。求學期間曾在多本文學期刊發表詩作。她的詩歌被評為『黑暗和神秘』。1996年出版的第一本專輯《嘯嘯風聲響徹大宅》曾獲得多個文學獎。她的詩歌曾被翻譯成十七種語言。2008年三月出版的《阿伯拉罕的告別》被評論家喻為是馬突爾最優秀的作品,靈感來自數千年來的Sufi傳統,並成功地創造出自我的本體和個人的神話。
It is part of the International Poetry Nights 2011