時間 Time:2010/4/25 (Sun) 5:00pm-6:00pm
地點 Venue: 油麻地 Kubrick (next to Broadway Cinemathèque, 3 Public Square St.)
主持 Moderators:Florence Ng、Polly Ho、Wong Wai Yim
詩人來賓 Guest Poet:Gillian Bickley
Gillian Bickley was born and educated in the United Kingdom and has lived mostly in Hong Kong since 1970. Her poetry has been anthologised in different countries and has been translated into several languages. Bickley has held academic university positions in Hong Kong, Nigeria and New Zealand. She has recently concluded a career as a University teacher of English Literature. With her husband, Verner Bickley, she is co-founder of The Proverse Literary Prize for unpublished writing.
“China Suite and other Poems” is her fourth collection of poems in which she responds to people, art and life, creating a record of her particular space in time such as Hong Kong, Beijing, Shanghai, Sukhothai, Honolulu, Mexico City and northernmost Scotland. Gillian finds poetry in everyday life.
The reading is in English.