詢問電郵: kubrickpoems@gmail.com
合辦單位:傾向出版社﹑Kubrick Poetry Society﹑《字花》
主持人:何世鳳( Polly Ho)
詩人:貝嶺﹑梁秉鈞﹑廖偉棠﹑鄧小樺﹑曹疏影﹑Frank Ulrich Gast、Björn Ahl,等
四月是策蘭的逝世月,為紀念策蘭逝世39周年和《策蘭詩選》及《策蘭傳》新書出版。4月11日下午三點在油麻地Kubrick書店,由傾向出版社、Kubrick Poetry Society主辦,《字花》文學雜誌社、Kubrick書店恊辦的「紀念策蘭詩朗誦會」邀請您參加。策劃人貝嶺將帶著書專程前來香港。
保羅‧策蘭(Paul Celan), 1920年生於布科維納的切爾諾維茨(今屬烏克蘭),1942年,猶太裔雙親相繼於納粹集中營中被殺害。1944年,他攜帶《德法辭典》與《英德辭典》開始流亡,經布加勒斯特、維也納,最後在巴黎棲居二十年,1952年,他的〈死亡賦格〉一詩震撼德國,1970年4月,他跳入巴黎塞納河,自殺身亡。
逾六百頁、由詩人孟明翻譯、德中對照《策蘭詩選》的面世,是中文世界的大事,《策蘭傳》是中文世界第一本、也是唯一的一本策蘭傳記。沃夫岡‧埃梅里希(Wolfgang Emmerich)的《策蘭傳》(Paul Celan)是德語文壇公認寫得最好的策蘭研究傳記之一,此書對策蘭的生平和詩作有著深刻而淵博的探討。
一、策蘭的意義 貝嶺
三、《策蘭傳》和《策蘭詩選》介紹 貝嶺
1.Nähe der Gräber 墓畔 (孟明 譯)
2.Erinnerung an Frankreich 法國之憶 (梁晶晶 譯)
3.Nachtstrahl 夜光曲 (孟明 譯)
4.Corona 花冠 (梁晶晶 譯)
5.Todesfuge 死亡賦格曲 (孟明 譯)
6.Todesfuge 死亡賦格 (梁晶晶 譯)
7.Nächtlich geschürzt 夜下花唇 (孟明 譯)
8.Tenebrae 黑暗 (孟明 譯)
9.Zürich, zum Storchen 蘇黎世,鸛屋(孟明 譯)
10.Heddergemüt 亂麻心緒 (孟明 譯)
17 則留言:
u maintain: 'Celan is the most important German-language poet after the 2nd world war'.
public opinion divided. see:
'Paul Celan [paʊl ˈtselan] [...] war ein deutschsprachiger Lyriker.'
'C'est peut être le plus grand poète de langue allemande de l'après-guerre, composant une œuvre absolument novatrice, consciente de venir après l'événement majeur de l'extermination des juifs d'Europe.'
--according to the editors: not serious enough
'one of the major poets of the post-World War II era.'
are u Offending the Audience?
victor FOK
Celan & le Pont Mirabeau
why did Celan choose to die under the Mirabeau Bridge?
this is a commonplace bridge among many others on the Seine.
when we face thorny problems like:
what's a major poet?
[u maintain:] writing is a personal matter;
[u maintain:] poetry should be an expression of true feelings;
(let me add one:) How's the sex politics in Shakespeare's Othello , Macbeth, Hamlet, A Midsummer Night's Dream, Twelfth Night,...?
(NB: the Bard plays a major role in both Fr & German Romanticism.)
we've got little choice:
present a solid argument;
be sheltered under an authority;
seek public opinion
(how about L'Opinion Publique in Offenbach's Orphée aux Enfers?);
join the club of the silent majority
(if u have no duty of care)
like Traudl Junge in Oliver Hirschbiegel's Downfall
--(der Untergang),
an Oscar nominated 2004 German / Austrian drama film.
In the year 2002, she spoke to the camera on her after-war reflection on Sophie Scholl (Sophie Scholl – The Final Days).
victor FOK
Celan & intertextuality
the old Q: Das Liebestod.
language is not simply a tool--we can drive any cars from any countries.
it's a form of life, a world-picture, an institution shared by a community.
German induces me much more sentiments than English--i can hardly sing any Downland.
the German conservatives, like the French, Italian, & Chinese ones, are proud to conserve their good traditions. they teach Minnelieder to their children in senior high schools.
can we understand Celan better in the context of Das Liebestod?
Liebe here implies not only EROS, but a long chivalrous tradition.
victor FOK
Celan translated Guillaume APOLLINAIRE.
Guillaume APOLLINAIRE reads his Le Pont Mirabeau
victor FOK
German poetry relevant to the Chinese--& the Japanese?
yes, Goethe's 'Heidenröslein'
(set to music by Schubert)
sung by Van Fan, Kousuke Atari, Chie Tanaka in 'Cape No 7',
a 2008 Taiwanese romance comedic music-drama film
victor FOK
Kenneth Clark supports Wittgenstein's theroy of language?
'i have a feeling that one should not try to assess a culture without knowing its language; so much of its character is connected with its actual use of words'.
--Sir Kenneth Clark, 1969, Civilisation. BBC. p xvii.
victor FOK
dulce et decorum pro Amorem mori!
Jean-Pierre Melville: 'Le Silence de la Mer' (film, 1949):
--j'ai éprouvé une grand estime pour les personnes qui aiment leur patrie
(i've a deep respect for people who love their country),
said the German army officer to his French landlord in rural France under Nazi occupation.
Celan translated Apollinaire's
'les colchiques'.
prof J FELSTINER: this is the reason why Celan's dies under the Mirabeau Bridge which runs across the Seine.
--J FELSTINER - Translating Literatures, Translating Cultures: New Vistas …, 1998
for Celan, Apollinaire, baudelaire, pierre de ronsard, francesco petrarca,...
LOVE is poisonous.
if u know Latin, u will have a longer list.
victor FOK
Celan calls for the Chinese
to cooperate w/ each other
for a wider picture of Celan's poetic creativity
(we can never get the whole picture--how do u know whether the Bard always used Dowland's lute music at the beginning of Twelfth Nite?),
we need people at least familiar w/ english, french, italian, & russian poetry.
a list of the poets translated by Celan:
Ungaretti & some of the french poets here are much indebted to the Gk, latin, and christian traditions.
for the creativity in poetry translation, pls see
Prof LEUNG Ping-kwan's
10-page masterpiece
in YIP Wai-lim: Lyrics from shelters. modern Chinese poetry, 1930-1950.
Published in 1992, Garland Pub. (New York), available in the HKU main library.
victor FOK
for French-German Translation & Poetics, pls consult
1. prof Jackie Kwok Yan-chi (school of design, PolyU),
who has submitted a PhD thesis on Georg-Rimbaud at the Sorbonne Nouvelle.
2. Dr Sebastian Veg (Department of Comparative Literature, University of Hong Kong), who has submitted a PhD thesis on German-Chinese modernism at the University of Aix-Marseille 1.
victor FOK
traditions alive & kicking:
2 HK poems in English
outloud, fringe club, april 1, 2009
a young Western lady read an Aubade in sonnet composed by herself:
a parting couple like Romeo & Juliet (act 3, scene 5). HK MTR siren replaced the English lark.
another Western lady cited a verse by Rumi, a 13-century Persian, in her poem:
'let's merge together in ecstasy'.
did Rumi read the Androgyne stories
by Plato &/or Ovid in Arabic?
did the Persians also have 'Dionysiac' ecstasy?
is such merge at the same time physical & metaphysical?
cf: J Donne's holy sonnets.
traditions still 'play a part in our imaginative lives'
(k clark: civilisation/
romance & reality).
victor FOK
suessen Tod
(sweet death)
in Tristan und Isolde 2.2
Tristan: sweet death
offered to me
at your hand [...]
hail to the potion!
--translation: EMI 2001.
victor FOK
Poison by Christian Dior
for poison in Italian
& latin poetry
(including neo-latin poets)
pls consult Ms Cristina Marignani
Cultural Attache'
Consulate General of Italy in HK
when i studied in Italy,
i've read the Greek Anthology
in Quasimodo's translation
(Dall'Antologia Palatina).
i found there a certain poisonous love.
how much do we chinese know western culture?
there is a dept of western classical studies at the Tokyo U.
do we have one?
victor FOK
victor FOK
Potion: Isolde & Juliet, love & death
for poison as allegory, pls consult
Zhang Longxi (張隆溪教授)
Chair Professor of Comparative Literature and Translation, City University of Hong Kong,
who has published on allegory, Shakespeare, Mallarmé,...
for poison as linguistic metaphor, pls consult
Prof Andrew Goatly, English language professor, Lingnan University, HK
for poison as philosophical metaphor, pls consult
Prof KWANTzu-wan, (Dr.phil. Ruhr-Universität Bochum), cuhk
love & death in western culture
Course on this subject are run by
Prof CHEUNG Chan-fai
Dr.phil. Freiburg
(Professor and Chairman, Department of Philosophy
Director, Office of University General Education), in CUHK;
& by (Dr Giorgio BIANCOROSSO?, music dept), in HKU
victor FOK
rimbaud/ love/ poison?
Et ce poison, ce baiser mille fois maudit!
--une saison en enfer
pls consult
Prof Jackie Kwok Yan-chi
(school of design, PolyU),
who has submitted a PhD thesis on Georg-Rimbaud at the Sorbonne Nouvelle
victor FOK