
Kubrick Poetry • April • Making Space

時間 Time: 23/4/2023 (Sunday) 3:00pm-4:30pm

地點 Venue: 油麻地Kubrick@電影中心一樓講廳

                      Kubrick@1/F Broadway Cinematheque, Yau Mai Tei

主持 Moderators: Polly Ho and Atom Cheung

嘉賓 Guest speakers: Paola Caronni, Zac Choy, Jennifer Eagleton, Lee Chi Leung (李智良), Sonia FL Leung, Jocelyn Li, Nicolette Wong, Macro Yan

語言Languages: English and Cantonese

報名 Registration: https://forms.gle/jBvqBm9ZGqh6s7To6



Kubrick Poetry Society invites you to the launch of Making Space: A Collection of Writing and Art, edited by Nicolette Wong with support from KPS and published by Cart Noodles Press (CUHK). The event will feature readings by contributors and a discussion about the book. This event is free and open to the public. 

Making Space: A Collection of Writing and Art features prose, poetry and artwork that explore how we make space in our lives in Hong Kong. How do we redefine the distance between the city, others, and ourselves? How does the quest for personal space and/or identities manifest in our creative practices? 


「詩畫同框」工作坊 — 海洋樂繽紛

  給孩子一個寫詩繪畫的機會,透過寫詩去感受生活的美好。   寫詩,好似好浪漫,好想試吓寫詩,但又好似有點難度。其實寫詩可以好簡單、好生活化。   Triospin  致力推動生活美學   ,今次邀請了 Kubrick Poetry Society 的導師教小朋友畫海洋動物,並在...