時間 Time:2012/4/29 (Sunday) 5:00pm-6:30pm
地點 Venue: 油麻地 Kubrick電影中心一樓講廳
主持 Moderator:Adam Cheung
詩人 Poet: Madeleine Marie Slavick
Madeleine Marie Slavick (思樂維), a writer and photographer, has made Hong Kong her home for almost twenty-five years. Her books include Something Beautiful Might Happen (Tokyo, 2010), My Favourite Thing <我最寶貴的> (Beijing and Taipei, 2005), Delicate Access <微妙之途> (Hong Kong, 2004), and Round - Poems and Photographs of Asia (Hong Kong, 1998). Round won a Bumbershoot Book Award in Seattle and My Favourite Thing was a bestseller in Beijing. Madeleine has held photo exhibits in Africa, Asia, Europe and North America, and has edited or published about thirty books in Hong Kong, where she has also worked as a social worker, guidance counselor, teacher, environmental campaigner and publisher. She writes and photographs every day at her blog: touching what I love.
Madeleine will be sharing from her latest book Fifty Stories Fifty Images, a small book of prose and photography that explores insects and high rises, dentists and trees, laughter and abstractions, and the poetry, poverty and generosity of Hong Kong.