

(Florence Ng)



六月,介乎燥熱與溫婉之間,淡雅的詩友喜蓮,帶著她純淨脫俗的畫,透過孩子般的眼睛,走進香港的永利街、藍屋,以詩歌說愛,思考,歎息;詩中有畫,畫中有詩。從加拿大學成回來的Adam,介紹他如何用手機和短文捕捉一瞬即逝的影像,「加拿大認識的香港是陳奕迅,香港是否只有這些?我回來後發現香港有《字花》等文化產物,也只有回到這塊土地才會看到。」真願有更多人發掘發揮發酵「香港」。第一次來的阿強,第一次用詩歌述這一代年青人的憂愁;「我們詩寫」的青年小風,則分享詩社即時jam詩的潮玩。詩友Oswald用德語朗讀歌德(Goethe)的Der Erlkonig魔王〉,喪失孩子的哀痛令即使不懂德語的人也動容;無獨有偶,座中竟有來自德國的朋友Martin,他倆於是談起來。詩會的終章是為Kubrick poetry長年默默奉獻的義務攝影師Paul的兩輯匈牙利相片(匈牙利的Shoes on the River Danube 和維也納中央墓園),配以音樂家Carrie Yu的爵士樂,大家靜靜傾聽,遊走於異國的街道。


Afterthought of June Kubrick Poetry

One night I happened to watch a movie which depicted the life of the famous German musician and pianist Clara Schumann. I have never imagined that the music of a movie can go beyond the screen and accompany me till now.

Thinking back on our lives, how many moments can travel beyond the past and accompany us till now? Can you count the times when you felt like dancing in a crystal palace in the Milky Way?

June--a month in the season of uncertainty. We gathered at Kubrick as usual. Artist Helene brought along her breathtaking paintings with her poems. She told us her passion and thoughts on local streets and relics. Adam, a boy who comes back from Canada, told us how he used mobile snapshots and thought provoking mini-prose to search for the root of Hong Kong. Ah Keung, another youngster who came for the first time, shared with us his first poem. ‘Siu Fung’ from the poetry club We-er stunned us with We-er’s idea of improvising poems. Oswald moved us with his reading of the original German poem Der Erlkonig by Goethe, which brought him to a discussion with another German participant, Martin. The finale of June Kubrick Poetry was contributed by the humane photos of a trip to Austria and Hungary by Paul, our voluntary photographer. The photos, merged with the beautiful jazz music of Carrie Yu, carried all of us to places afar.

The music of June Kubrick Poetry goes on and on …

(photos by Paul Wan)


Kubrick Poetry • 十一月 • 「尋找你」之旅

  時間 Time:26/11/2023 ( 日 ) 3-4pm 地點  Venue : 油麻地 Kubrick電影中心一樓講廳 主持 Moderator: Polly Ho  詩人  Poet : 綠騎士,原名陳重馨 音樂家  Musician : Eugene Leung (...