

時間 Time:2009/3/29 (Sun) 5:00pm-6:00pm

地點 Venue:油麻地 Kubrick

主持 Moderators:Florence Ng、Polly Ho、Wong Wai Yim

詩人來賓 Guest Poet: 梁秉鈞




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sure, there're lots of things more important than 'poesia' (invention or manufacture? or both? consult those who read classical Greek).

'I love all things that have gentle magic, that talk of love, of spring, that talk of dreams and fantasy--the things called poetry...

(Mi piaccion quelle cose che han sì dolce malia, che parlano d'amor,di primavere, che parlano di sogni e di chimere,quelle cose che han nome poesia...)

--Mimi's aria, in Puccini: La Bohème, 1.

(Puccini's 'La Bohème' was staged at the HK arts festival 2 years ago.)

i've heard so many times people talk about beautiful images in our forum--in legal terms, this is an open forum, & the speakers have no duty of care. they're like Mimi, & the blogger from whom i've quoted the above verses.

if u like western music, don't miss the flute melody when Mimi sings 'il primo bacio del sole d'aprile e' mio' (the first kiss from the april sun is mine
--she lives at the poor top floor!

she does not write any things--she's illterate in Murger's novel
--but she is a poet.

mr Warren Mok, a master-singer, has sung numerous times as Mimi's lover on stage. ask him how he think of this angelic woman (she is quite a different one in the novel) at HKU:


if u prefer down-to-earth massages, see the first piece of the "wenxue"
(or 'man-hok' in cantonese, that's not 'literature' in classical chinese!)
section in Shishuo Xinyu (sai-suet sunyue) by LIU Yiqing (lau yee-hing)
--we've discussed on his account of the 'poem composed in 7 steps' attributed to Zao Zhi in Oct 2007.

art for art's sake, art for sale (e.g. Baudelaire's Muse), poet as prophet, poet as marketer,...all are correct.

last but not least:
Poets are dangerous
--not long ago, Mr POON Kwok-ling has warned us with his 'crow' poem--NB: its Jean-Luc Godard style connotations.

of course, raymond williams, Mr Poon's maestro, also sounded an alarm in his Keywords: creativity, romanticism,...are threatening.

no doubt, people have good reasons to put away Torquato Tasso. see Keywords/creativity.

victor fok


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世說新語: 文學第四/馬融,鄭玄.


sorry for my chimera. Puccini is neither Debussy ('primtemps') nor Poulenc.

anyway, his flute figue reinforces the SPRING & its PERFUME:

che parlano d'amor, di primavere(That speak of love, of spring),...
Cosi gentile il profumo d'un fiore! (the so gentle perfume of a flower!)


NB: orchestral score of the opera is not available in the public libraries.

victor fok

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詩 is NOT poetry.

--James J. Y. Liu. 1962. The art of Chinese poetry;

1975. Chinese theories of literature.
University of Chicago Press.

victor fok


「詩畫同框」工作坊 — 海洋樂繽紛

  給孩子一個寫詩繪畫的機會,透過寫詩去感受生活的美好。   寫詩,好似好浪漫,好想試吓寫詩,但又好似有點難度。其實寫詩可以好簡單、好生活化。   Triospin  致力推動生活美學   ,今次邀請了 Kubrick Poetry Society 的導師教小朋友畫海洋動物,並在...