時間 Time:2017/10/29 (Sunday) 4:00pm-5:00pm
地點 Venue:油麻地 Kubrick電影中心一樓講廳
主持 Moderator:
Polly Ho
詩人 Poet:Shen
Xingzhou (沈行舟)
語言 Language: English and Mandarin
Shen Xingzhou (沈行舟), born in Hangzhou, studied English at Shanghai
International Studies University, obtained her master’s degree in visual
culture studies from The Chinese University of Hong Kong. She writes in both
English and Chinese. Her poems have appeared in many literary magazines and
newspaper supplements in Hong Kong. In 2015, her English drama Breathe Me was adapted into a physical
theater, shown in public. In 2017, she published her first bilingual book of
poems, Hui. Beside, her works of
photography and handcrafts have been exhibited in many galleries in Hong Kong.
is a book of poems written in Chinese and English. It may appear as a
collection of poems, but it has the inner structure of a novel. Each poem is an
independent story, mostly dark and dreamlike, but they relate to one another,
weaving a larger story that echoes the theme Hui, 回, which
means to circle. For her, the title refers her repetitive emotional return to
the stories in the poems.