

由2011年開始,Kubrick Poetry得到香港藝術發展局的支持,現正收集各方的詩作語言不限,藝術家黃懷琰利用你的詩句,創作板畫,並製作限量的手製卡。 收集詩句的截止日期為2011120日,並於23日詩會朗讀。參加者請把詩作寄到 kubrickpoems@gmail.com

Kubrick Poetry祝願各位有一個奇妙的2011!


Starting from 2011, Kubrick Poetry receives support from the Hong Kong Arts Development Council. We are calling for poems from you and create limited handmade cards. Our artist and designer, Wong Wai Yim, will create wood print based on the imagination of the poem. Thus poems in any language are welcome! The deadline for submission is 20th January 2011. Submitted poems will be read and shared on 23rd January at our regular reading. Interested people please send your work to kubrickpoems@gmail.com.

Kubrick Poetry wish you an awesome 2011!

(photo from Active People in Switzerland)

Kubrick Poetry • 一月 • 半存在

時間 Time:2011/1/23 (Sun) 5:00pm-6:00pm

地點 Venue: 油麻地 Kubrick(next to Broadway Cinemathèque, 3 Public Square St.)

主持 Moderators:Polly Ho, Adam Cheung, Florence Ng, Wong Wai Yim

詩人來賓 Guest Poet:吳耀宗 (Gabriel Wu)


詩集半存在得到2010年新加坡文學獎華文組獎項,此詩集收錄了1995年至2007年創作的詩,在他即將40歲的時候,他看了電影兩生花」(The Double Life of Veronique),感觸很大,人不可能是單獨的存在,而所謂的偉大或渺小,其實未必是自己完成,而是另一個地方的另一個生命在成全著我們。



A Happy Poet

(Polly Ho)

The Mental Life of Cities is Eddie Tay’s third poetry book published by Chameleon Press while his previous two poetry books, Remnants published by Etho Books and A Lover’s Soliloquy by the Sixth Finger Press.

This third poetry book is on the theme of “meditation on the modern city and creative life”. How does living in Hong Kong contribute to creative writing? Living in the city is the source of Eddie’s writing. Even nature is part of the city in his perspective. The Mental Life of Cities is a bilingual attempt of Eddie’s writing. Born in Singapore, Eddie is more comfortable in speaking and writing English than Chinese yet he wants to experience embedding Chinese in his writing. Chinese characters and short phrases have rich meaning. A good example is “十年樹木,百年樹人” but it take fourteen words to explain the meaning in English “It takes ten years to cultivate a tree, a century for a human being”. Language reveals our history. The moment we speak, our education and background are unveiled simultaneously. Being ethnically Chinese, Eddie is not totally confident in writing Chinese poems for the reason he does not know the history and Chinese literature enough to write it. This is a very humble and demanding requirement of a poet.

Eddie shoulders many responsibilities. He is an assistant professor in Chinese University of Hong Kong teaching children literature, poetry and creative writing. More, he is a review editor of a online journal “Cha”. How can he maintain his creative writing among so many responsibilities? He honestly admits the fact that he does not believing in muse. He believes in solid hard-work, meaning he would sit two hours by the desk in his office in front of the computer and write. Eddie may have disillusioned the typical image of a poet who should be drunk in the night club and whispering lyrical romantic lines. Not only that, Eddie also changed the typical image of a poet who is often frown and sad and living in a poor miserable life. Eddie leads a happy and abundant life with his wife, son and daughter.

A happy poet is one of the finest gems on earth: rare, special and treasurable!


Quiet Night Thoughts

(Adam Cheung)

Kubrick Poetry celebrated November by bringing together familiar faces and new participants.

Adam started off the session by posing some questions about home. He talked about the idea of having two homes, and he posted a picture of his home in Hong Kong juxtaposed with a picture of his home in Canada. Then he followed with readings from City Voices (an anthology of writings from Hong Kong) and Invisible Cities, Italo Calvino’s well-known work. To him, home always has a connection with the city.

Joy returned to Kubrick Poetry after several months’ absence. This time, she was dressed for the occasion, wearing a t-shirt with the name of her hometown written on it. In addition to reading a poem of her own, she also produced an English translation of Li Bai’s “Quiet Night Thoughts” 靜夜思Several participants admitted that Li Bai’s poem is the first poem that comes to mind when they think of home.

Lou entered the discussion by talking about how home seems to be something distant even when he lives with his family, and yet, during his journey to South America, he was amazed by the way the local people received him as though he was a member of their homes. Lou went on to share a Chinese poem he wrote for a friend’s wedding. This was followed by Florence’s reading of a poem by the legendary Polish poet, Wislawa Szymborska.

Crystal, in her first time participating in Kubrick Poetry, began by sharing Angela Aki’s song, 手紙 ~拝啓 十五の君へ (A Letter Written to You Who is Fifteen). Crystal invited us to think about what things we would like to say to those who are younger than us, who are about to experience what we are experiencing. We also had the pleasure of seeing her picture diary, a small sketchbook that pulls open like an accordion. The diary reminds us that poetry is composed not just in words, but also in drawings. We were moved by her ability to record everyday experiences in quick and small sketches.

It was in this fashion that Kubrick Poetry said farewell to November.

(photos by Polly Ho)


Kubrick Poetry‧ December ‧ The Mental life of Cities

時間 Time:2010/12/26 (Sun) 5:00pm-6:00pm

地點 Venue: 油麻地 Kubrick (next to Broadway Cinemathèque, 3 Public Square St.)

主持 Moderators:Polly Ho, Adam Cheung, Florence Ng, Wong Wai Yim

詩人來賓 Guest Poet:Eddie Tay

Born in Singapore, Eddie Tay is a long time resident of Hong Kong. He is an assistant professor at the Department of English at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, where he teaches courses on creative writing, children literature and poetry. Tay is the reviews editor at Cha, An Asian Literary Journal.

Recently, he published his third poetry collection, The Mental Life of Cities. The collection is "a meditation on the modern city and creative life" and the poems are inspired by "the ways in which the English and the Chinese languages intertwine and take root in the Asian cities of Hong Kong and Singapore". He has authored two collections of poetry: Remnants and A Lover’s Soliloquy.

You are welcome to bring your own work to share, as always.


Kubrick Poetry • November • Poems or poets away from home

時間:2010/11/28 (Sun) 5:00pm-6:00pm
地點: 油麻地 Kubrick(next to Broadway Cinemathèque, 3 Public Square St.)
主持:Adam Cheung, Polly Ho, Florence Ng, Wong Wai Yim

November, the second-last month of the year, is an awkward entity. If not handled with care, such a time can pull us into strange territories.

This month, Kubrick Poetry invites you to ponder this theme: “Poems or poets away from home”. What does it mean to be away from home? What expressions and sentiments stir us when we are away from home? You may even ask, what is ‘home’? Where is it? Are you longing, reminiscing, defining, searching, or building your own? What is the difference between writing away from home and writing at home?

This event is open to public. As always, we encourage you to share spoken words by writers that you enjoy and/or any words, poems, or poetic prose that you have written (in any language or form). The purpose is to share and express our appreciation for poetry.

(by Adam Cheung)


Kubrick Poetry‧ October ‧ In the Arm of the Beloved

時間 Time:2010/10/28 (Thursday) 7:00pm-9:00pm

地點 Venue: Book Attic (Shop D1, 7-17 Amoy Street, Wan Chai)

主持 Moderators:Polly Ho, Florence Ng, Adam Cheung

詩人來賓 Guest Poet: Sayed Gouda

In Rumi’s poetry, love is the soul of the universe.

Rumi’s poetry has the magical ability to show us truth and to unlock love’s precious secrets. Within the folds of his words, we gain entrance to a hidden chamber; we hear whispers that are ancient; we behold the endless love story between the individual soul and God.

The goal of Sufism is to know love in all of its glorious forms; and every prophet, every practice, and every form of worship that leads toward love.

(by Polly)

Kubrick Poetry‧ 九月‧ 童話之詩

時間:2010/9/26 (Sun) 5:00pm-6:00pm

地點: 油麻地 Kubrick(next to Broadway Cinemathèque, 3 Public Square St.)

主持:Polly Ho, Florence Ng, Wong Wai Yim


四隻小兔子,打開了一道童話王國的大門。在大自然被摧殘得千瘡百孔的今天,大概再沒有人能像Beatrix Potter那樣,撰寫和繪畫富有詩意和有豐富細節的動物故事了。兒童都喜歡小動物,也喜歡唸童謠,Beatrix Potter在某些最美麗的故事中,能同時巧妙地糅合這兩種元素,創造愉快的閱讀經驗。另一位兒童文學作家Lewis Carroll也很喜歡在他膾炙人口的Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland加插童謠,你們還想起哪些作家精於此道呢?


(by Florence)


Kubrick Poetry‧ August ‧ Lyricism and Translation

時間 Time2010/8/29 (Sun) 5:00pm-6:00pm

地點 Venue 油麻地 Kubrick(next to Broadway Cinemathèque, 3 Public Square St.)

主持 ModeratorsFlorence Ng, Wong Wai Yim, Polly Ho, Adam Cheung

詩人來賓 Guest Poet: Camille Loivier

Born in France in 1965, Camille’s recent book publications include Elegy for a Bird (2005), Caractères (2009), and It Is Night (2009). In addition to having published poems in literature reviews such as Dans la Lune, she has also done editing work for the literature review Neige d’Août since 1999, focusing on lyricism and Asian poetry. Camille has also produced French translations of the works of Taiwanese novelist Wang Wen-hsing and poets including Hung Hung, Hsia Yu, and Leung Ping-kwan.

While Camille will read from her works in French and Chinese, participants are also welcome to share poems or other forms of creative writing in any language. Knowledge of French is not required, but one will surely take away some words or phrases to savor.

(by Adam Cheung)


Polly Ho


開首的是Adam,他試譯了兩首歌詞,有鄭國江填詞的《落葉季節》和The EaglesDesperado,鄭國江的詞在Adam的試譯下,變成一首詩Autumn Leaves(blog: www.kaleidospot.blogspot.com)。從秋葉,聯想起一首法國經典詩歌Les Feuilles Mortes”,即場找到Yves Montand唱的版本。新來的詩友米蘭分享了三首詩,其中《當我向山舉目》和《你們仨》是寫在六四聚會之後,她即席以Santa Lucia的旋律配以五言詩《登鸛鵲樓》,以國語唱出,合節拍、合韻樂。米蘭亦帶來了潘國靈刊登在《秋詩刊的一首詩,名為《身體微塵》,觸動在座的每一位,米蘭讀完之後,Oswald忍不住再讀一遍


































(Photos by Paul Wan)


Kubrick Poetry‧ 七月‧ 大暑

時間:2010/7/25 (Sun) 5:00pm-6:00pm

地點: 油麻地 Kubrick(next to Broadway Cinemathèque, 3 Public Square St.)

主持:Polly Ho, Florence Ng, Wong Wai Yim





Kubrick Poetry is open to the public. Youre welcome to bring along your own poems or poems you like to share with us.

(by Florence Ng)



(Florence Ng)



六月,介乎燥熱與溫婉之間,淡雅的詩友喜蓮,帶著她純淨脫俗的畫,透過孩子般的眼睛,走進香港的永利街、藍屋,以詩歌說愛,思考,歎息;詩中有畫,畫中有詩。從加拿大學成回來的Adam,介紹他如何用手機和短文捕捉一瞬即逝的影像,「加拿大認識的香港是陳奕迅,香港是否只有這些?我回來後發現香港有《字花》等文化產物,也只有回到這塊土地才會看到。」真願有更多人發掘發揮發酵「香港」。第一次來的阿強,第一次用詩歌述這一代年青人的憂愁;「我們詩寫」的青年小風,則分享詩社即時jam詩的潮玩。詩友Oswald用德語朗讀歌德(Goethe)的Der Erlkonig魔王〉,喪失孩子的哀痛令即使不懂德語的人也動容;無獨有偶,座中竟有來自德國的朋友Martin,他倆於是談起來。詩會的終章是為Kubrick poetry長年默默奉獻的義務攝影師Paul的兩輯匈牙利相片(匈牙利的Shoes on the River Danube 和維也納中央墓園),配以音樂家Carrie Yu的爵士樂,大家靜靜傾聽,遊走於異國的街道。


Afterthought of June Kubrick Poetry

One night I happened to watch a movie which depicted the life of the famous German musician and pianist Clara Schumann. I have never imagined that the music of a movie can go beyond the screen and accompany me till now.

Thinking back on our lives, how many moments can travel beyond the past and accompany us till now? Can you count the times when you felt like dancing in a crystal palace in the Milky Way?

June--a month in the season of uncertainty. We gathered at Kubrick as usual. Artist Helene brought along her breathtaking paintings with her poems. She told us her passion and thoughts on local streets and relics. Adam, a boy who comes back from Canada, told us how he used mobile snapshots and thought provoking mini-prose to search for the root of Hong Kong. Ah Keung, another youngster who came for the first time, shared with us his first poem. ‘Siu Fung’ from the poetry club We-er stunned us with We-er’s idea of improvising poems. Oswald moved us with his reading of the original German poem Der Erlkonig by Goethe, which brought him to a discussion with another German participant, Martin. The finale of June Kubrick Poetry was contributed by the humane photos of a trip to Austria and Hungary by Paul, our voluntary photographer. The photos, merged with the beautiful jazz music of Carrie Yu, carried all of us to places afar.

The music of June Kubrick Poetry goes on and on …

(photos by Paul Wan)



六月廿七日, 雨天。

本月的主題是Florence提議的自由題, 詩會沒有邀請詩人, 而是叫觀眾帶自己的作品來分享, 其形式不限。

今天整天下雨, 倒很有詩意, 我沒有什麼想發表, 只不過到場打打氣。

在巴士上看着窗外的雨天, 不知今天有多少人會真的帶自己的作品來讀? 眼睛看着觀塘碼頭的海面, 不禁想起五年前剛回香港, 遇到Florence的時候。她說想要在kubrick做一個詩會, 希望能有一個平台, 讓香港人可大膽地, 站起來向公眾唸出他們的詩句。

這種行為在歐洲很常見, 我在柏林的咖啡館, 看見有人喝着咖啡, 就忽然就站起來, 大聲唸出自己的詩作, 人們也很欣賞, 沒有人會當他是傻瓜的。

真的要謝謝Amanda每月借出kubrick的場地, kubrick工作人員的幫忙, 讓每一次的詩會都得以成事。那時只知一次又一次地做下去, 也不知道能做多久。

還記得開頭的一年, 只有Florence向着喝咖啡的公眾說話, 每每邀請他們坐進來與我們一同唸詩, 人們只以沉默的眼光回報. 每次都只有小貓三倆隻。

後來慢慢地聚集了一小羣人. 也不記得什麼時候, Polly 也加入了。有了Polly這個生力軍, 令到詩會生色不小, 她每次都能邀請不同的詩人來, 亦嘗試了不同的形式, 把詩會搞得有聲有色。並為詩會帶來不同層面的公眾, 大大地增加了參與者的數目。而我一向只是一個懶散閒人。有時來, 更多時候連人也不在香港.

轉眼間, 五年將至, 當年Florence 默默發起的詩會, Polly努力耕耘的文學聚會, 在今天, 又回到最初的夢想。Florence, 你看! 你最初的心愿成功了。門外雖然下着大雨, 你看! 有多少人帶着他們的作品來到。不論是專業的、業餘的, 還是第一次寫詩的。不但有文字創作, 還有音樂、 繪畫、攝影等不同的藝術媒介, 雙互交流。大家都十分享受這次的聚會, 更有人希望我們多舉辦這些大眾作品分享的活動。香港其實有很多人在創作, 只是缺乏地方讓他們發表。

Florence, 多謝你, 你做了一個成功的詩會。Polly, 多謝你, 你讓詩會壯大。你們創造了一個讓香港人能開放地, 自由自在地, 忽然就站起來向公眾唸詩的場地。




Kubrick Poetry‧ 六月詩會‧翅膀

時間 Time2010/6/27 (Sun) 5:00pm-6:00pm

地點 Venue 油麻地 Kubrick(next to Broadway Cinemathèque, 3 Public Square St.)

主持 ModeratorsFlorence NgWong Wai Yim



Kubrick Poetry‧ May‧ In Conversation with the River

時間 Time:2010/5/30 (Sun) 5:00pm-6:00pm

地點 Venue: 油麻地 Kubrick(next to Broadway Cinemathèque, 3 Public Square St.)

主持 Moderators:Florence Ng、Polly Ho、Wong Wai Yim

詩人來賓 Guest Poet:Kit Kelen

In Conversation with the River is Christopher (Kit) Kelen's homage to the Chinese traditions in poetry. It is a philosophical as well as a chronological journey; its persistent backdrop is the daziran (great nature) of the Chinese tradition; its persistent concern is with the future of human relationships with an environment under ever greater strain.

Having lived in China for the last twelve years, Kelen has worked collaboratively on the translation of a range of classical poets, including Tao Yuanming, Meng Jiao, Xin Qiji, Li Yu, Nalan Xingde and many of the women poets of the Tang and Song Dynasties. Kelen has collaborated in the translation of a number of contemporary Chinese poets, including Yao Feng and Leung Ping Kwan. He has also - as a teacher of Creative Writing - mentored younger Chinese poets in the production of their first volumes of poetry, published usually as parallel text in Chinese and in English.

This is the second time for Kit Kelen to read at Kubrick. The reading is in English. You are welcome to bring your own poem to read or your favourite poem to share.

The Owl

(Polly Ho)

Having lived in Hong Kong since 1970, Gillian Bickley has recently concluded her more than 30 years of teaching in university as a teacher of English Literature. Currently, she dedicates her time on the independent press “Proverse Hong Kong” which she co-founded with her husband Verner Bickley. The name “Proverse” is a combination of “prose” and “verse”. In 2008, they set up the Proverse Prize for unpublished writing that is non-fiction, fiction or poetry. To allow more people to have the opportunity to publish their works, there is no nationality or residence restriction. Translation work are acceptable as long as there is English version.

How can Gillian manage to write poems among the tight schedule every day? She is a observant person with sharp eye and is able to see poetry at different corner. The trick is making note whenever she came across something interesting and put it in a folder called “poem to be written”. When she is away for summer holidays, she will take the whole folder with her and finish the poems in the holidays. So far she published four collections of poetry and they are the honest record of her life.

One of the interesting discussions is on the poem “Funeral Owl”. It is a poem written based on the experience crawling inside a Neolithic cairn in North-East Scotland in which she feels “nothing”. The feeling of “nothingness” surprises her as she expects some conscious communication from the people living thousands years ago when the cairn are constructed. Further, Florence asked why she choose a concrete name for a poem that is conveying the message of nothingness. Gillian responds that concrete image is easier to provoke imagination. Another participant enjoys Gillian’s reading simply listening to it for its sake.

Literature is an inseparable part of her life and career, yet, she has a very clear standpoint in viewing literature and life. To her, life experience is more important than literature. Can you not agree she has sharp eyes and clear mind?

(photos by Paul Wan)

To view Gillian’s writing of the reading, please visit: http://proversepublishing.com/gillian_bickley_reads_at_kubrick

Kubrick Poetry • 十一月 • 「尋找你」之旅

  時間 Time:26/11/2023 ( 日 ) 3-4pm 地點  Venue : 油麻地 Kubrick電影中心一樓講廳 主持 Moderator: Polly Ho  詩人  Poet : 綠騎士,原名陳重馨 音樂家  Musician : Eugene Leung (...