時間 Time:2017/1/21 (Saturday) 4:00pm-5:00pm
地點 Venue:油麻地 Kubrick電影中心一樓講廳
主持 Moderator: Polly Ho
詩人 Poet:Sayed Gouda
This book is a collection of
most of the poems published in Sayed’s first three collections of poetry: Smoke of Love, The Sad Questions of Cassandra, and Between a Broken Dream and Hope. These poems were written between 1985 to 2005. They reflect different
stages of life from when the poet was only 17 until when he turned 37. The
poems are metrical and rhymed in Arabic. The poet did the translation from its
original Arabic into English on his own, trying to retain the cultural essence
while some linguistic beauty may have been lost in translation.
invite you to attend the reading session in which Sayed will explain the
difficulty of translating poems from Arabic into English, a totally different
language system. He will also tell us why and how the poems were written spanning
over two decades and how the political circumstances in the Middle East affect
his writing at a certain stage. It is a good opportunity to know the poet and his
choice of translation. The reading and sharing will be conducted in English.
Sayed Gouda was born in Cairo
and educated in Egypt and China, majoring in Chinese. He immigrated to Hong
Kong in 1992 where he lives until now. He is a published poet, novelist, and