時間 Time:2014/1/26
(Sunday) 4:00pm-5:00pm
地點 Venue:油麻地 Kubrick電影中心一樓講廳
主持 Moderators: Atom Cheung
詩人 Poetry anthologiser:Verner Bickley
His Poems to Enjoy is a five-book
series of graded
poetry anthologies for readers of all ages. Books 1-3 are especially dedicated to children. Audio
recordings of all the poems in each book, read by Verner and his wife Gillian
are provided in an accompanying CD. The recordings are delightful to listen to.
Also, they assist with pronunciation and help those preparing for solo verse
speaking and reading, duo and group-work and choral-speaking in speech festivals.
Verner will explain the work of an
anthologiser and introduce the poems. He will also share his experience as an
adjudicator and educator.