
「詩畫同框」工作坊 — 海洋樂繽紛






Triospin 致力推動生活美學 ,今次邀請了Kubrick Poetry Society的導師教小朋友畫海洋動物,並在畫上寫一首由小朋友自己創作的詩篇。






地點:Trio Spin Studio









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Kubrick Poetry • 七月 • 食物詩分享會

時間 Time:21/7/2024 () 3-4pm

地點 Venue油麻地 Kubrick電影中心一樓講廳

主持 Moderator: Polly HoAtom Cheung

詩人 PoetSonia Leung 施勁萍凡人陳李才


報名 Registration: Link


有人用相片去懷緬過去,有人用文字去記載思念,有人用聲音去記錄一種體驗,也有人用香味去想起某一個人。如果用「食物」去記錄呢?回顧香港詩人梁秉鈞常以食物書寫城市﹐去年Kubrick Poetry 舉辦了一次香港食物誌徵稿比賽﹐獲得眾多投稿,最後選出七份得獎作品,得獎作品被製作成為名信片,七月詩會我們邀請得獎者和其他參加者一同分享他們的食物詩。


Kubrick Poetry • 十一月 • 「尋找你」之旅


時間 Time:26/11/2023 () 3-4pm

地點 Venue油麻地 Kubrick電影中心一樓講廳

主持 Moderator: Polly Ho 

詩人 Poet綠騎士,原名陳重馨

音樂家 MusicianEugene Leung ( 梁宇正)


報名 Registration: Link




綠騎士,原名陳重馨。 廣東省台山人,香港出生。畢業於香港大學,後赴巴黎國立美術學院及羅浮學院。居於法國,曾於歐亞美加舉行個展或群展。寫作:著有散文、小說集、詩畫冊和兒童故事等十多本。法文作品:詩畫集和圖文書共五本。近年致力於詩與畫的配合。電視:香港電台電視製作部:小說家族第二集「衣車」(短篇小說改編)華人作家紀錄片系列(二)之「法國的旅人」






— 紀念梁秉鈞去世10週年


香港人愛吃咖喱魚蛋、蛋撻、雞蛋仔、碗仔翅、咖喱牛腩⋯⋯ 每一樣食物滿載了香港人的情懷,移居外地的朋友回港也想吃一碗燒鵝瀨粉。香港著名詩人梁秉鈞常以食物書寫城市,一首〈帶一枚苦瓜旅行〉令人印象深刻,現KPS邀請大家書寫你最喜愛的香港食物,以廣東話入詩,得獎作品將配以插畫,製作成一系列明信片。





評審:劉偉成、Atom CheungPolly HoFlorence Ng






Making Space is launched!

We had the book launch of Making Space, published by Cart Noodles Press, at Kubrick Bookstore on 23rd April, 2023. The event was packed with audience. Nicolette Wong, who is the curator and editor of the book, started the event. We had a stellar line of contributors who read from the book. They were Paola Caronni, Jennifer Eagleton, Lee Chi Leung(李智良), Sonia FL Leung, Jocelyn Li and Marco Yan. After the reading, we shared our view on the perception of space and how possible or impossible to create space for writing in Hong Kong. The audience threw questions on our contributors. One of the questions is from Chris Song, who is the chief editor of Voice and Verse Magazine. He asked if the poem Lo Ting Visits Oscar by the Sea had something to do with Lo Ting came to visit its creator Oscar. Jocelyn was stunned to learn Lo Ting’s creator is also named Oscar. Polly Ho asked the book designer, Zac Choy, about his design concept on the book. He expressed those were the sentence strip that writers write on paper. He chooses the skin colour for the book cover to have a close touch on human. Some people interpreted the book cover as having censorship or it can be read as an erasure poetry. Many of us applauded at this beautiful book design and its meaning depends on the readers’ interpretation. 
The book, Making Space, come into life as a book project first and foremost initiated by Nicolette Wong from the English Department in CUHK. They would like to expand readership to the local community and seek collaboration with Kubrick Poetry Society which has 17 years promoting poetry reading and writing. KPS can be a window to reach the local readers. Our gratitude to Nicolette Wong for inviting us and who did all the editing work. We feel lucky to have Zac Choy as our book designer and special thanks for Eddie Tay for supporting the book project. 

(Photo credit to Felix Wong, Paul Wan and Florence Ng)


Kubrick Poetry • April • Making Space

時間 Time: 23/4/2023 (Sunday) 3:00pm-4:30pm

地點 Venue: 油麻地Kubrick@電影中心一樓講廳

                      Kubrick@1/F Broadway Cinematheque, Yau Mai Tei

主持 Moderators: Polly Ho and Atom Cheung

嘉賓 Guest speakers: Paola Caronni, Zac Choy, Jennifer Eagleton, Lee Chi Leung (李智良), Sonia FL Leung, Jocelyn Li, Nicolette Wong, Macro Yan

語言Languages: English and Cantonese

報名 Registration: https://forms.gle/jBvqBm9ZGqh6s7To6



Kubrick Poetry Society invites you to the launch of Making Space: A Collection of Writing and Art, edited by Nicolette Wong with support from KPS and published by Cart Noodles Press (CUHK). The event will feature readings by contributors and a discussion about the book. This event is free and open to the public. 

Making Space: A Collection of Writing and Art features prose, poetry and artwork that explore how we make space in our lives in Hong Kong. How do we redefine the distance between the city, others, and ourselves? How does the quest for personal space and/or identities manifest in our creative practices? 

「詩畫同框」工作坊 — 海洋樂繽紛

  給孩子一個寫詩繪畫的機會,透過寫詩去感受生活的美好。   寫詩,好似好浪漫,好想試吓寫詩,但又好似有點難度。其實寫詩可以好簡單、好生活化。   Triospin  致力推動生活美學   ,今次邀請了 Kubrick Poetry Society 的導師教小朋友畫海洋動物,並在...